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Testing Angular Components with Slots

Content projection is a pattern in which you insert, or project, the content you want to use inside another component. In Angular there are three types content projection, single-slot, multi-slot, and conditional.

Like props and events, slots are part of the component's public API.

Single-slot Content Projection​

The most basic form of content projection is known as single-slot content projection. This refers to creating a component into which you can project one component using <ng-content></ng-content>. You can learn more about single-slot content projection at

Below is a simple ButtonComponent that is using single-slot content projection.

import { Component } from '@angular/core'

selector: 'app-button',
template: `
export class ButtonComponent {}

Now we pass in the content to the ButtonComponent using content projection:
import { ButtonComponent } from './button.component'

describe('ButtonComponent', () => {
it('can project content using a ButtonComponent template', () => {
cy.mount('<app-button>Click Me</app-button>', {
declarations: [ButtonComponent],
cy.get('button').contains('Click Me')

Multi-slot Content Projection​

An Angular component can also have multiple slots used for content projection. Each slot can specify a CSS selector that determines which content goes into that slot. This pattern is referred to as multi-slot content projection. With this pattern you must specify where you want the projected content to appear.

Below is an example of CardComponent that is using multi-slot content projection and its corresponding component test. Notice we create a WrapperComponent in our spec that we use to simulate passing in content to the CardComponent using content projection.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'

selector: 'app-card',
template: `
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<ng-content select="[cardHeader]"></ng-content>

<div class="card-body">
<!--Default Slot -->
export class CardComponent {}
import { CardComponent } from './card.component'

describe('CardComponent', () => {
it('can project content', () => {
<h1 cardHeader>My Title</h1>
<p>My text goes here...</p>
declarations: [CardComponent],
cy.get('h1').contains('My Title')
cy.get('p').contains('My text goes here...')