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Custom Mount Commands for Angular

In some instances you may find yourself doing repetitive work during mounting. In order to reduce boilerplate you may find it useful to create a custom mount command.

Default Declarations, Providers, or Imports​

If you find yourself registering a bunch of declarations, providers, or imports in your individual tests, we recommend doing them all within a custom cy.mount() command. The overhead is usually minimal for all your tests and it helps keep your spec code clean.

Below is a sample that registers several default component declarations while still allowing additional ones to be passed in via the config param. The same pattern can also be applied to providers and module imports.

import { Type } from '@angular/core'
import { mount, MountConfig } from 'cypress/angular'
import { ButtonComponent } from 'src/app/button/button.component'
import { CardComponent } from 'src/app/card/card.component'

declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
mount: typeof customMount

const declarations = [ButtonComponent, CardComponent]

function customMount<T>(component: string | Type<T>, config?: MountConfig<T>) {
if (!config) {
config = { declarations }
} else {
config.declarations = [...(config?.declarations || []), ...declarations]
return mount<T>(component, config)

Cypress.Commands.add('mount', customMount)

This custom mount command will allow you to skip manually passing in the ButtonComponent and CardComponent as declarations into each cy.mount() call.


Here is an example of defaulting autoSpyOutputs for every mounted component:

declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
mount: typeof mount

(component: Type<unknown> | string, config: MountConfig<T>) => {
return mount(component, {
autoSpyOutputs: true,

The autoSpyOutput flag only works when passing in a component to the mount function. It currently does not work with the template syntax.


At this point, you should be able to setup a complex application and mount components that use all of Angular's language features.

Congrats! Happy building. 🎉